License Renewal

All licenses and certificates expire on March 31st each year (except non-veterinarian embryo transfer technicians) and can be renewed by paying the annual renewal fee. The current renewal fees are as follows:

Active Veterinarians: $100.00
Inactive Veterinarians: $25.00
Veterinary Technicians: $25.00
Corporate Practices: $10.00

Renewal notices will be sent no later than March 1st each year. All renewals dated after March 31st will incur a delinquent fee – NO EXCEPTIONS. It is the responsibility of the licensee or certificate holder to make sure their contact information is current with the Board. Delinquent fees for late renewals WILL NOT BE WAIVED for a licensee or certificate holder that did not receive their renewal notice due to a change of address that was not reported to the Board. The current delinquent fees are as follows:

Veterinarians (Active & Inactive): $100.00
Veterinary Technicians: $50.00
Corporate Practices: $100.00

Continuing Education

If you wish to renew your license on an active basis, you are required to obtain twenty (20) hours of continuing education during the twelve (12) months preceding the renewal period (April 1st – March 31st) each year. For specifics on topic requirements and how hours can be earned, please see the Board’s rule on continuing education that is found in the rules document posted under the website’s “Law” tab.

Continuing education hours are not required to renew on an inactive basis, and continuing education requirements are waived for veterinarians during the renewal period in which he or she graduated from a college of veterinary medicine.

Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Technologists:
If you wish to renew your certificate on an active basis, you must have a supervising veterinarian on file with the Board and obtain twelve (12) hours of continuing education during the twelve (12) months preceding the renewal period (April 1st – March 31st) each year. For specifics on topic requirements and how hours can be earned, please see the Board’s rule on continuing education that is found in the rules document posted under the website’s “Law” tab.

Continuing education hours are waived for veterinary technicians and veterinary technologists during the renewal period in which he or she graduated from a veterinary technology school.

Approval Information, Record Keeping, and Waivers:
The following are automatically approved by the Board for continuing education:

  • Hours sponsored by an accredited or approved college of veterinary medicine
  • Hours sponsored by the American Animal Hospital Association
  • Hours sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association
  • Hours sponsored by a local, state or national veterinary association
  • Hours sponsored by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America
  • Hours approved by the AAVSB’s Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE)
  • Hours sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture

If you wish to attend a continuing education program that does not fall into one of the above categories, you may submit a written request for pre-approval to the Board for review. The request must include a copy of the agenda, topics of discussion, speakers and bios, and how many hours of continuing education you are seeking. Requests for pre-approval of meetings must be submitted to the Board thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Each licensee or certificate holder must keep a record of continuing education hours earned and will be required to certify those hours on a form provided by the Board. All records of continuing education hours must be kept by the licensee or certificate holder for three (3) years. The Board, at its discretion, may request an audit of an individual’s continuing education records.

Licensees or certificate holders that are unable to earn credit hours because of an illness or other justifiable reason may, at the discretion of the Board, be exempt from all or part of the credit hour requirements, or granted an extension of time to obtain their continuing education. If you anticipate needing a waiver or extension, please submit a detailed request to the Board in writing as soon as possible prior to March 31st to allow the Board adequate time to consider your request.

Non-Veterinarian Embryo Transfer Technicians

Certifications expire two (2) years from the date of original issue. The renewal fee is two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).

Continuing Education:
Eight (8) hours must be obtained through either the International Embryo Technology Society or the American Embryo Transfer Association to be eligible for renewal. Other courses on bovine reproduction may be acceptable but must be submitted to the Board for pre-approval prior to taking the course.