Only veterinarians that hold an active license with this Board may practice veterinary medicine and surgery in Arkansas. A veterinarian cannot practice in Arkansas on an inactive license.
Certified veterinary technicians and veterinary technologists may actively practice in Arkansas under the supervision and direction of an Arkansas-licensed veterinarian. If a certified veterinary technician or veterinary technologist does not have a supervising veterinarian on file with the Board, they are considered inactive.
The Board does not accept anonymous complaints; therefore, if you wish to file a complaint against a licensee of this Board, or against an individual for practicing veterinary medicine without a license, please complete the Official Complaint Form in its entirety, making sure that it is signed and notarized before it’s returned to the Board office. Along with the form, please make sure to include ALL information you wish the Board to consider – written statement, patient medical records, photographs, etc. It is recommended that you review Ark. Code Ann. § 17-101-305 of the Veterinary Medical Practice Act when filling out the Official Complaint Form, as well as the Board’s rule on unprofessional conduct. Copies of both the Practice Act and Rules can be found under the website’s “Law” tab.
Once a complaint is received in the Board office, a copy of that complaint will be sent to the licensee or individual named on the form, and they will be asked to respond to the complaint. The complaint and response will be reviewed through the Board’s standard complaint process. Every effort is made to review complaints in a timely manner, but please be advised that it can take several months to complete the process. Both parties will be notified in writing as to the outcome of the complaint.
Confidentiality is important during the investigation of a complaint. Do not attempt to contact Board Members during the review process. If you have questions or need to discuss the complaint with someone, please contact the Board office.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
This law gives Arkansans access to public records and public meetings, with a few exceptions. For more information regarding FOIA, please visit the Arkansas Attorney General’s website at:
If you wish to request records from the Board under FOIA, you may do so by appearing in person at the Board office or contacting the Board by phone, mail, or email.
Notice of Rulemaking
Linked below is a copy of the proposed new rule for Veterinary Telehealth and Telemedicine. The public notice for this amendment ran in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on February 11, 12, and 13, 2022. Public comments for this amendment can be mailed to the Arkansas Department of Agriculture – Veterinary Medical Examining Commission, Attn: Cara Tharp, 1 Natural Resources Dr., Little Rock, AR 72205. Comments should be received no later than the close of business on March 12, 2022, which is the date the public comment period ends.
Oral comments can be made in person on February 25, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. at the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, 1 Natural Resources Dr., Little Rock, AR 72205.
Proposed New Rule – Veterinary Telehealth and Telemedicine | VIEW